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  • Shi Ya

Week 6: Revamping the Application

Updated: Jul 16, 2021

On week 6, I worked on some simple CSS to improve the look of the application. It is much more easy to use Ionic when styling the application but it is also difficult at the same time. Now we are just waiting for the high-fidelity wireframes to be finalize and for the application to be fully developed until we really do revamp the application just as how the high-fidelity wireframes are. At the same time, we also have to furnish the portfolio page with some nice and unique features. It's going to take some planning in the future.

I also faced some problems when I was reusing my old codes, so I went on a researching spree and found the perfect method. It's really helpful.

I started off by making it responsive and some CSS to center the items on this login page before I move on to the other pages... Take a look!

Our new Login Page look

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