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Shi Ya

Week 8: Finishing up the Discover Page

Updated: Jul 16, 2021

This is week 8. It is a busy week because of common tests and some assignments submission deadlines. There is also an Interim VIVA this week. Irfan is really a great teammate, he improvise the slides late in the night despite there being a exam the next day. I am really appreciative of his contribution for the team and the whole project.

So this week, I have continued with fixing of likes and commenting features and it is finally fixed. I then added badges next to the name, it was tough as the SQL query was getting extremely long, but after few days it worked! Soon I will also be adding profile picture next to their ID for easier recognition. But now it's basically completed and now I can conclude my work with the discover page.

Then I also create some ionic modal pages for when u tap on the posts in the gallery at the profile pages, the specific post will expand and be displayed in the modal page which is similar to the comment page as well. Therefore I have been reusing the experience I had from creating the likes and commenting features and it has saved a lot of time, and now I can get them done without much researching.

New profile CSS look

High fidelity Wireframes (by Irfan)

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