On week 10, our final week of holiday, I have added a log out button to a side menu. It has been pretty troublesome to login to a different account each time without a log out button. And finally it's added.
1. Tap on the POP logo 2. Side menu slide open with log out button
Apart from this, I have also did quite a lot, such as adding some placeholder according to our high-fidelity wireframes on the profile page before I start working on the remaining features.
I then also added the follow button for profiles except for the logged-in user profile. Since you can't follow yourself. It's pretty hard to get the button change to unfollow or follow depending if the users followed them. It felt like a deja vu flashback from when I was working with the likes button weeks ago.
Then I also added a modal page for editing of profile. This is not in the wireframe. Or maybe quite a lot of changes are not following the wireframes already. This might be a bit bad. This is calling for an emergency redesign of wireframes and I kind of want to do it.
Originally planned wireframes.
Then lastly, the camera page. I added some more input fields in.
But it's getting quite late already so I stopped there, I wrote down list of items I want to work on next week on my memo and all is done. See you again.